TLL was founded with the mission of bringing quality mentorship to people everywhere around the world. Since then, our mentors have worked tirelessly to offer the very best mentorship across geographical boundaries and time zones.
We are aware that some students are unable to tap on the knowledge and experience of our mentors due financial reasons. In 2016, we started offering early-bird discounts to lower the prices for some of these students who can afford to start and complete their mentorships earlier in the submission period.
In the same vein, TLL has decided to make available a series of videos to further improve accessibility and the quality of submissions worldwide. Priced at US$150, a fraction of the price of a mentorship, these video lectures contain advice for different stages of the project; allowing you to benefit from the experience of our mentors at a lower price.
It covers the following topics:
Specifically, these videos would be helpful for students planning to work on Topics 8, 17, 18 and 20. These are by far the most common topics chosen, and our videos are targeted at the requirements for these topics.
For further information, please visit the product page here, or email us at
Pass well. Pass first time.